Innovation Think Tank Certification Program at Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital

(5th November 2021 – 13th November 2021)

Following the successful institutionalization of Innovation Think Tank at Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, the first ITT Certification Program at ELMCH campus will be organized under the leadership of Prof. Sultan Haider, Founder and Global Head of ITT at Siemens Healthineers. The program trains participants about the innovation management methodologies derived out of Prof. Haider’s vast experience of establishing and running ITT Labs worldwide and driving numerous interdisciplinary projects between locations. The participants learn co-implementation approaches by working on real life challenges from the healthcare systems.

Program Agenda:

  • Day 1- 5th November 2021: Program introduction and Innovation Think Tank methodology training, self-organized group work.
  • Day 2- 6th November 2021: Pain-point analysis for various stakeholders and solution clustering, self-organized group work.
  • Day 3- 9th November 2021: Decision proposition creation, visualizations / prototyping, final presentation guidance.
  • Day 4- 12th November 2021: Final pitch preparation and feedback.
  • Day 5- 13th November 2021: Final outcomes presentation and joint feedback by Jury Members.


  • Undergraduate/postgraduate students, researchers, professionals from all disciplines can apply (medicine and surgery, biomedical engineering, engineering and management, economics, psychology, liberal arts and communication etc.)

Important Dates:

  • Application Deadline: 10th October 2021
  • Announcement of results: 20th October 2021
  • Program start: 05th November 2021
  • Final outcomes presentation 13th November 2021
  • For any queries contact us at:

Delivery mode:

  • The program will be delivered in a hybrid mode, i.e. on-campus at ERA University with an option to join virtually through MS Teams call. The details will be provided to the shortlisted participants.

Applications are closed now