Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospitalestablishes Innovation Think Tank (ITT) Lab in partnership with Siemens Healthineers

Aims to accelerate innovationsthat address healthcare delivery challenges with a focus on using technology for telemedicine and mapping of complete disease pathways for finding new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets.

Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital has institutionalized its Innovation Think Tank (ITT) Lab in partnership with Siemens Healthineers at their campus in Lucknow. The lab will be an innovation hub where participants including researchers, faculty members, and students can think outside the box to solve issues in healthcare with a focus on using technology for analysis of clinical data and enhancement of patient care. The ITT Lab at Lucknow is the first Innovation Think Tank Lab at a hospital in India, as part of Siemens Healthineers' global network of Innovation Think Tank Labs led by Professor Sultan Haider.

Innovation Think Tank (ITT) of Siemens Healthineers is a global infrastructure of co-creation labs and program established for prestigious universities and hospitals. Driven by the need of interdisciplinary and self-sustaining innovation infrastructures which are accessible for the entire institution, ITT was established in 2005. ITT enables the partner institution in the following:

  • Creating own innovation infrastructure to identify the challenges and improvement potentials
  • Boost innovation and international research funding with joint grant applications
  • Enhance institutional branding by access to the ITT global network and programs
  • Develop innovation culture and expertise by ITT training programs

"Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital (ELMCH) has fostered numerous initiatives that have enhanced training of medical students and improved patient care. Through the use of information technology and accelerated research analysis, we have been solving real-world problems, most recent of which has been the enhanced management of COVID-19 patients at our hospital. Some of the ongoing innovative projects at ELMCH include mapping of pathways involved in complex diseases, development of educational video games and telemedicine softwares for pro-active patient management. The ITT Lab at ELMCH will certainly accelerate this trajectory of meaningful research and development. On the one hand, students and professionals will get guidance and resources for channeling their creativity, and on the other hand, patients’ well-being shall be enhanced through the acceleration of innovation. We have invited Prof. Haider to set up Innovation Think Tank at ELMCH and have also conferred him with Program Directorship of ITT @ ELMCH and an Honorary Professorship at Era University" -Mr. Mohsin Ali Khan, Chancellor, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital

The global ITT infrastructure of Siemens Healthineers includemultiple innovation labs and ITT programs across Germany, China, India, Turkey, the United States, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom, addressing projects from 56 ITT activity locations. The program success and recognition has led to the establishment of ITT locations at prestigious healthcare institutions on the invitation by their management.

"We are delighted to partner with ELMCH, Lucknow and confident that the Innovation Think Tank lab will assist the esteemed institution for their future research and innovation in the field of healthcare. This will be an enabler allowing us to bring people together from a variety of disciplines to share their unique perspectives, which will stimulate innovation and help great ideas become a reality" -Prof. Sultan Haider, Founder and Global Head, Innovation Think Tank, Siemens Healthineers

About Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital

ELMCH was established in 2001 under the aegis of Era Educational Trust, with a vision to create a center of excellence in the field of Medical Education, Healthcare and Research. The college has repeatedly been ranked among the top medical colleges of India in multiple surveys conducted by several media agencies including The Times of India, India Today, The Week and Outlook India. In addition to publishing its own biannual research journal by the name Era’s Journal of Medical Research, faculty and students at ELMCH have published more 1000 research articles in just the last five years.

External Innovation Think Tank Exhibition (eITT 2021)

Mr. Zaw Ali Khan, Key note speaker at the annual external Innovation Think Tank Exhibition (eITT 2021) , Erlangen, Germany