Visit of Hon'ble Prof. Thakur Singh Powdyel, Former Minister of Education, Bhutan
With the objective to motivate students at Era University to be happy within and spread happiness around them and to enable them realize their own potential of inner well-being, the Department of happiness invited Honorable Prof. Thakur Singh Powdyel, the Former Minister of Education, Bhutan, as a Chief Guest to Era University, for a special talk on the vibrant topic Happiness on November 17, 2019.
Prof. Powdyel belongs to the pioneer group that has done radical work in the area of happiness and well being in Bhutan. During the interactive session with the Nursing and Pharmacy students, he informed that the government of Bhutan was the first to speak about the GNH (Gross National Happiness) Index, which was the subjective indicator of well-being to be used as a primary measure to guide the government.
Prof. Abbas Mahdi motivated the students by saying that By teaching happiness, we have managed to touch the pulse of the present society that is striving to spread the "feel-good" factor and highlight the urgent need for identifying real happiness that comes from inner peace, rather than, from attaining luxuries of life.