A Midwifery skill lab was inaugurated on December 21, 2018by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr. ) A. A. Mahdi on the 7th Floor of Era College of Nursing. Dr. M.M.A Faridi, Principal Era Lucknow Medical College & Hospital was the guest of honor for this accession. Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and his team visited the counseling Corner, Antenatal Unit, Postnatal Unit, Labour Room, High-Risk Management Unit and Infection Control Station in the skill lab. The Principal, Era College of Nursing, Prof. RinaBhowal welcomed all the guests and delivered an inspiring speech. She announced that the skill lab is a simulation center that enables the student to improve their skills. After training in the skill lab, students become confident in performing independently. A motivational speech was delivered by the Chief Guest, Dr. A.A Mahdi. He told that the skill lab promotes collective learning and builds a team spirit between doctors and nurses to deal with the obstetric emergency situation effectively. The skill lab provides integration of pre-service and in-service quality training.