Department of Radiological Imaging Techniques, Era University, Lucknow organized guest lecture by Dr. Saurabh kumar , Assistant professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, King George's Medical University on “Role of technicians in Intervention radiology; hope beyond expectations” for degree and diploma students on 19th May 2023 at mini auditorium of the University building.
Dr. Saurabh Kumar in his lecture discussed about various procedures which are done with minimal invasion, low cost and better outcome as compared to open surgeries for a number of diseases like varicose veins, aneurysms, A V malformations, tumour or cancer related haemoptysis, jaundice, fibroids etc.
Prof. S. Riaz Mehdi, Dean, Allied Health Sciences, Era University, Dr Taruna Singh, Head, Department of Radiological Imaging Techniques, Dr. D. K. Saxena former Head, Dr Tariq Imam alongwith other faculty members viz. Mr. Ajay Deep Singh , Mr. Dilshad Ahmed, Mr. Bhanu Awasthy, Mr Shailendra k. Diwakar ,Mr. Piyush Pandey , Mr. Hamd Khan and Ms. Tatheer Fatima were present amongst many others.