The Departments of Radio-Imaging Technology and Radio-diagnosis, Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Era University organized the World Radiology Day, in which a large number of faculty members and students participated. A one day Continued Medical Education (CME) program was also organized at the event.
Speaking on the occasion Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of Era University Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi complimented the departments for organizing the event. He said that this year's theme of World Radiology Day is “Celebrating Patient Safety”. He said that not only safety of the patients but also that of the technicians and paramedical staff working in the area is very important. He informed the audience that the “World Radiology Day” is celebrated every year on 8th November for the last eleven years to commemorate the discovery of x-radiation by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895. Prof. Mahdi said that World Radiography Day offers an opportunity for the experts to educate the public about the imaging process and various diagnostic tests, and, concurrently, assure individuals of their safety during these procedures. He said many changes have taken place in the field of Radiology during the last four decades and many more are going to come with the advent of Artificial Intelligence. He spoke at length about changes which have taken place in the field of Radio-imaging Technology during the last few decades.
Prof. S. Riaz Mehdi, Dean, Era Institute of Allied Health Sciences & Research, Prof. Sachin Khanduri, Head, Department of Radiology, and Dr. Ghazala Zaidi, also spoke on the occasion.
During the CME, Dr. Bhanupriya Singh, Asstt. Professor, Department of Radio-diagnosis, and Prof. Rahat Hadi, Department of Radio-Therapy, both from Dr. R.M.L. Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, gave a talk about Patient Safety measures in Radio-diagnosis. The scientific program also included lectures by Mr. Shailendra Kumar Diwakar and Mr. Piyush Pandey.
The students very enthusiastically participated in the program and made posters and models which were displayed at the venue. Many students also participated in the academic program and made presentations on topics like Radiation safety and hazards, CT Angiography, Cardiac MRI, Smart Radiology etc.
The event was coordinated by Dr. Taruna Singh and Prof. M. Usman Khan, Department of Radio-Imaging Technology, Era University.